Sunday, August 24, 2008


I haven't posted in ages. :( That's okay, I've been busy.

I had a bad morning. A human accidentally (or so he said) tried to squish me today. But the afternoon has been better. I got to eat a bunch of corn! :D


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why I didn't post yesterday

My humans unplugged the computers and left yesterday, so I couldn't post until they came back and left the computers on.

A goofy dog left a comment on my last post. I'm thinking of starting a petition to ban dogs from the internet, and maybe from the entire planet. Would anyone sign it?

I haven't gotten any money yet. Has anyone sent any? I live in the house with the boxes. It has trees in front of it. Cash would be preferred, since I'm not sure what to do with a check.

Well, I'd better get off. I hear a human coming.



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How I started my blog

You may be wondering how I started my blog. Well, that's a very simple story.

Once upon a time, I learned English. It really wasn't that difficult. We cats are born with remarkable language abilities. It's only natural, since it helps us understand what dogs are saying if we know their language. I used to sit at the computer when the humans were gone (and if they left the computer on) with a pen in my mouth, pushing each key one by one. It was very tiring and long, so I usually fell asleep and barely had enough time to save my work before the humans came in the door. Eventually, I learned to use my paws to press the keys, which is a very hard thing to do if your paws are as big as mine. But it does speed up my writing. I decided to start a blog (my humans all have blogs) to write and become famous. So, thank you for reading my blog! If you would like to send me money, that would be nice. I live in the house with boxes in it.

Well, I'm getting sleepy again (I've only had six hours of sleep today), so I'd better go.



Monday, August 18, 2008


I took a nap earlier. It was rather exciting. I woke up an hour later. My human was still at the computer. I don't think he gets enough sleep. I'm going to go lick myself now. Bye!


This is my blog

I am Cheddar. I am a cat and I have started a blog. This is my blog. I will talk about me and my exciting life! I like to eat stuff and take naps. It's fun being a cat. You should try it. Unless you already are a cat. Haha.

I should go now. I'm sleepy. Bye!

Your best friend,
