Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Window is Open

The window is open in my room... and now that Socks is hogging it.

Did I ever mention Socks and Pepper? I think they're like foster cats or something... they just showed up a long time ago. Socks and I decided to be arch-nemeses and Pepper thinks I'm "juvenile", whatever that is. I need to read the dictionary more.

It's odd that I know words like "arch-nemeses", but not "juvenile".

Anyway, yesterday the humans opened my window for me, and ever since then Socks has been sitting in front of it smiling innocently. It's making me sick.

Oh, well, I'll just rub against someone's leg and make them pet me. :D

That felt better. I need to go now. I'm hungry. Bye-bye!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Party

The party was going great until Scaredy Cat got spooked and ran through the water dish. He got all the other cats wet, so they left. :(
Oh, well. None of them brought me presents anyway.

The humans are coming back today, and I have to do some major cleaning before they get back so they won't find out about the party. Marvin the Siamese spilled some water on the floor and it's probably going to be tough to get that stain out. I'd better go so I can start cleaning. Who knows when the humans will get back?


Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Exciting Day

A very interesting thing happened today. A strange car came down the driveway and the dogs barked at it. Sleepy Cat (I think her real name is Paprika or Peppy or something like that) was only vaguely concerned, and Scaredy Cat (his real name is Spock or Smock or something like that) ran and hid just like he does when anyone comes down the driveway. I sat at the window and hissed at the strangers, and just then they turned around in the driveway and drove away. I guess I showed them. I hear the humans are coming back tomorrow. I'd better have my party tonight if I'm going to have it this weekend. I'll talk to you later and tell you how the party went. Bye!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Home Alone

I have the house all to myself. Except for those two new cats who moved in. Oh, well. One is always asleep and the other is paranoid. I'll just sit here and type. :)

So, my humans left on some trip or something. Fortunately, someone's supposed to come and feed me. They'd better; I don't care for the taste of dog. ;)

I really like these smiley face thingies... :) :D :P ;) 8) :O


This one looks like a cat: ^_^

I'm hungry, so I'm going to see if Sleepy and Scaredy have eaten all the food. Bye!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A strange coincidence!

I asked about the people in the other cabin, and it turns out that they are my humans! I'll have to be very careful so that they won't see me. I've noticed that humans become very stressed when cats are in unexpected places.
I went over to see some pretty plants today. Roady-dandruffs or something. There are big hills here, so I like being carried around.
I'll definitely have to go home before the humans get there, so once they go home I'll have to commute here every day. The scenery is very nice, so I don't mind the long ride here and back.



I went over to this Roan Mountain place today, and it turns out that I get to have my own cabin while I'm here! It's really comfortable here with a cozy wood stove, a soft chair to sit in, and free smoothies from the movie people. :D
The only odd thing is that a few cabins over, there are these people that look just like my humans. It's quite strange. Well, the director is about to give me my script, so I've gotta run!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Movie update

The people from the movie called again. They're offering me free helicopter rides to and from the set. Apparently they're not shooting it in New Zealand. It's at some place called "Roan Mountain State Park". We're going over tomorrow so I can get acquainted with the area.


My house

The humans left me here to take care of my house for a while. So far I've invited a few other cats over, eaten a whole bag of cat food (I have a couple dozen hidden in my secret room behind the secret panel in the closet), and received a phone call from someone offering me a part in a movie. I'm not sure if I'll take the part, because I don't have a reliable source of transportation to and from New Zealand every day without the humans noticing (they might go crazy without my supervision). Well, I should probably go. William Wilberfurs (he's a pet freedom advocate; I don't think it's his real name) is raiding the pantry and I can't drive into town to get more macaroni before the humans come back. I'll post again later.

Love, Cheddar